Friedhofsverwaltung der Marktgemeinde Sonntagberg
In der Marktgemeinde Sonntagberg befinden sich 3 Friedhöfe:
Rosenau/Gleiß (Gemeindefriedhof)
Böhlerwerk (Gemeinde- und Pfarrfriedhof)
Sonntagberg (Pfarrfriedhof)
Für Fragen zur Friedhofsverwaltung steht Ihnen Herr Alexander Holzfeind unter 07448/2290-15 oder gerne zur Verfügung. Auskünfte zu den Pfarrfriedhöfen in Böhlerwerk und Sonntagberg erhalten Sie am jeweiligen Pfarramt:
Pfarramt Böhlerwerk: 07442 / 62 335 oder 0699 / 88 49 11 44
Pfarramt Sonntagberg: 07448 / 25 85
Hier finden Sie die aktuelle Friedhofsordnung und die aktuelle Friedhofsgebührenordnung der Marktgemeinde Sonntagberg:
Allgemeine Informationen
Family and Partnership
The following pages in "Family and Partnership" are already available in English:
- General information about releasing a child for adoption
- Rights and obligations of adoptive parents
- Rights of the adoptive child
- Stepchild adoption
- The adoption process
- Types of adoption
- Checklist – Employment and financial matters after the birth of a child
- Checklist – Employment and financial matters before the birth of a child
- Counselling and preparation for the birth
- Cross-border family benefits in the EU
- General information about maternity leave
- Kindergarten Enrolment
- Parents-child health passport medical examinations during pregnancy
- Official channels when a child is born
- Recommended vaccinations for those under the age of two
- The delivery − in hospital, as an outpatient or at home
- Babysitters
- Childcare at universities
- Children’s Groups
- Day care facilites
- Day mothers/day fathers
- Day nurseries for children under three years of age
- Grandmas-for-hire/Grandpas-for-hire
- Change of name: health insurance provider
- Change of name: pension insurance institution
- Change of name: Social security
- Civil marriages
- Getting married in Austria without a place of residence ('tourist weddings')
- Issuance of a marriage certificate/international marriage certificate
- Marriage of international couples in Austria
- Matrimonial property regime in the case of a connection to another country
- Registering to get married
- The legal implications of marriage – obligations in a marriage
Medically assisted reproduction ('artifical insemination')
- Declaration of consent
- General information about medically assisted reproduction
- Information and advice from a doctor
- Provision of information
- Semen or ova donated by third persons
Registered partnership
- Effects of a registered partnership
- Ending a registered partnership
- General information on registered partnerships
- Registered partnerships in the EU
Single parenthood
- Application requirements (maintenance claims)
- General information about maintenance claims in cross-border cases
- Types of application (maintenance claims)
Online Services
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. April 2023
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Bundesministerium für Finanzen